The Food Safety: Why Is It So Important, and How to Ensure It in Your Business?

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Stay tuned for the 4 best strategies to do so!

Food Safety is a widely discussed topic in the Food and Beverage community, and it shouldn’t be any different. Reports by the World Health Organization (WHO) regarding the health of populations paint a grim picture. Around 600 million people become ill, and 420,000 people lose their lives each year due to contracting foodborne diseases: 

Let’s discuss the 4 best food safety strategies you can use to prevent any harmful consequences for the development of your business.

What is “Food Safety”?

Before jumping into the strategies, we first need to explain what “Food Safety” means. The term is confused with similar-sounding phrases more often than you might think!

Food Safety refers to all processes ensuring that food is of the claimed quality and is safe for consumption.

On the other hand, Food Hygiene is often used as a substitution for Food Safety, although there is a simple but distinct difference between the two.

Food Hygiene specifically concerns food-borne illnesses arising from improper handling of the goods. These may be caused not only by bacterial contamination of the food but also by chemical or physical factors.

Consumers expect better food quality and reduced risk of contamination

4 Best Strategies to Ensure Food Safety in Your Business

Let’s not wait any further!

1. Staff training and hygiene education 

All remaining strategies would mean nothing without ensuring that every team member is on board with efficient food safety control. 

You are the company leader and team manager! 

Convey the importance of their work regarding this aspect of your business, ask them to concentrate on the correct handling of goods, and you will reap excellent results. 

2. Regular cleaning and maintenance programs 

Do a daily morning check-up on the main preparation areas, test the reliability of your equipment and machinery, and manage any waste/hazardous chemicals nearby that may contaminate the produce. Pest control is also vital, so you might want to be prepared with adequate measures. It is as simple as that. 

3. Personal hygiene

Emphasizing the significance of every individual staff member regarding personal hygiene is vital for overall food safety. Having to bear this responsibility will inspire them to re-consider their duties. Wearing clean clothes, washing their hands, and carefully looking after their actions throughout the day will become a must-do task.

4. Maintain a high level of food safety from beginning to end

Control of food safety from the moment the product is made and prepared, through the handling, until the eventual transportation and delivery to the corresponding areas should be a staple part of your daily obligations. 

Apply each of the mentioned strategies accordingly, and you will soon start noticing remarkable progress in the food quality department. In a financial aspect as well!


uFoodin Team


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