Papote is a new French and eco-friendly pasta brand, born on the farm.

Committed to producing high-quality pasta, we combine our production excellence with eco-responsible practices. We are certified High Environmental Value (level 3) and in the process of obtaining the Low Carbon Label. Proud to practice agriculture in line with the expectations of our fellow citizens and to produce a quality food, our artisanal pasta represents French authenticity and sustainability.

The founders

Papote embodies the meeting of two creative minds, Jean-Baptiste and Caroline, determined to offer an authentic and convivial culinary experience through their delicious artisanal pasta. Jean-Baptiste, the passionate farmer, embodies the very essence of sustainable agriculture. He cultivates durum wheat with care and respect for the environment, adopting innovative agro-ecological practices to preserve soil health and biodiversity. Caroline pays special attention to customer needs and has a constant concern for environmental impact to meet the most demanding expectations in terms of quality and sustainability. She orchestrates the transformation of raw materials into delicious artisanal pasta.

The difference with Papote pasta

GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH! The flour comes from regenerative agriculture and without additives. Thanks to our low temperature drying process, our pasta guarantees preserved nutritional quality, without degradation of lysine, an essential amino acid for your health!

ALWAYS AL DENTE! Thanks to its rich protein content and our manufacturing process, Papote pasta will always be “al dente”, even if you exceed the cooking time or reheat it the next day.

MADE IN FRANCE! Everything happens at the Ferme des Grandes Tuileries, in Sézanne (51). Durum wheat is grown there and pasta is processed on site on the farm. Papote pasta is better than Italian, it’s up to you to try it!

GOOD FOR THE PLANET! Thanks to wheat grown in regenerative agriculture, we work to preserve the environment, because we capture carbon, we improve biodiversity and we protect the soil. Papote pasta is a healthy and eco-responsible pasta.
