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Halawa,tahini,spready chocolate,honey,molasses

Product Description

Acquired 2004 by Harvest Co. El Bawadi is a strong and successful Confectionery
Molasses. El Bawadi’s overriding priorty is to provide its customers with quality
safety standards.
N° I in the Egyptian Molasses market. El Bawadi produces Tahina and Halawa along
with Molasses in dierent sizes and varieties.
El Bawadi’s mission is to provide consumers with delicious food with best quality,
along with new natural and confectionery introductions. El Bawadi is a healthy mix
of tradition with technology.
El Bawadi Halawa is a rich crumbly dessert
made solely from sesame seeds with all natural
ingredients. Introducing a spreadable format of
Halawa with an indulging chocolate hazelnut
Made of the best grade white sesame, El Bawadi
Tahina is produced according to the latest
technology production line.

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Product Quantity Per Pallet

Products Quantity per Container of 20ft

Products Quantity per Container of 40ft

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Term of Payment (from Escrow Account) :

Halawa,tahini,spready chocolate,honey,molasses

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