Marketing Manager – Job Description

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1- What’s a Marketing Manager ?

The Marketing Manager is responsible for the promotion of a service or product. His/Her main missions are to conduct market studies and analyze the results in order to build the company’s strategy. With the analysis, recommendations and work, he/she can lead and influence the way a brand looks (identity) and is perceived (image). His/Her objective is to make the brand’s image perceived as similar as possible to the brand’s identity.
The Marketing Manager must master technical and operational tasks such as market and opinion studies, mix marketing strategies, consumer behavior analysis.
As a manager, he/she leads a greater or lesser team according to the company’s size.
The Marketing Manager always interacts with other departments’ directions, especially the Communication, the Sales and the Executive Management. He/She handles work in partnership with creative teams as well as accounting : he/she must know how to adapt his/her speech according to the audience.

2- What are the main missions ?

  • Conduct studies, benchmarks or audits about the macro and micro environments of the Business. Make recommendations according to the results
  • Define qualitative and quantitative objectives according to the different targets
  • Work on the company’s positioning in order to increase awareness (of the business itself or a product/service) and sales
  • Build and apply the strategy then roll out the marketing actions
  • Define and Manage the campaign’s budget
  • Coordinate the relations with partners or intermediaries like media, agencies, opinion leaders etc.

3- What are the required competencies ?

  • Data and figures analysis
  • Good knowledge of public relations
  • Analysis of consumer behavior
  • Imagination and creation spirit
  • Trends seeking
  • Digital and social medias mastering
  • Strong communication and management skills

4- How to become a Marketing Manager in the Food and Beverage Industry ?

The most popular way to become a Marketing Manager in the F&B industry is to obtain a bachelor or master degree in the field of marketing, communication or business. Most of the professionals at this position attest from a general degree in these fields. They entered the F&B industry thanks to internships, apprenticeships or first jobs experiences. Since the most required competencies are linked to data, trends, and creation it is not mandatory to know all the specificities of this particular sector : they are expected to be learnt in the field.
However, universities and schools around the world are starting to create degrees related to the food industry marketing. Here are 3 examples of them :
  • MS Marketing, communication et ingénierie des produits agroalimentaires, (EM Normandie, France)
  • Food Marketing MBA , (Saint Joseph’s University, USA)
  • MSc in the field of food industry : Management and Marketing, (Faculty of Science, Hong-Kong)

5- What are his/her main challenges today ?

  • Digital and Technologies : they have disrupted the way professionals do marketing. Hyper-connected publics, social media, AI, SEO… Today a Marketing Manager needs to know and master all the new features which appear everyday and integrate them in the strategy if he/she wants to reach the business’ audience
  • Transparency and Corporate Responsibility : Especially in the F&B industry, companies are expected to be transparent by consumers but also stakeholders (suppliers, funds etc.) about their ingredient sourcings, production processes and commitments to sustainability. This impacts directly the marketing strategy because it affects the relations between a brand and its publics
  • Although the Marketing Department is mainstream in a company, it is still difficult for Marketing Managers to make their voice heard to the executive management. There is still a misleading opinion about marketing in senior companies that marketers are disconnected from realities. So the Marketing Manager must have strong communication and persuading skills to handle discussions with CEOs etc.

6- Why should a F&B Marketing Manager be on uFoodin ?

uFoodin is a social network so you should come and… work on your company’s visibility like on any other social platform !
Our team created many tools to help you work on your brand’s awareness :
  • The company page
  • The company social group
  • Interviews in video or article written by our team to promote your business
If you want to know more about how to implement a marketing strategy on uFoodin, check our tips here.

uFoodin Team



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