How to grow your Business on uFoodin as a finished goods brand ?

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How to grow your Business on uFoodin as a finished goods brand ?

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uFoodin is the first social platform that gathers in one meeting spot all the Food & Beverage Industry’s professionals. This means you can find a raw materials’ seller, a food processor, or a finished goods brand as well.

If you own an end products company, you should definitely come on uFoodin to improve your business relationships. uFoodin helps you define a merchandising strategy internationally ! To implement your products abroad, you need local suppliers and importers to distribute them : find them and also logistic solutions, insurances, or storage solutions. 

If your objective is to sell your products to new business partners, you need to be visible to your target. In this article we will share with you our best advice to work on your notoriety on uFoodin.


1. Take care of your content

If you were attending an exhibition, you would certainly bring prototypes of your products so your prospects can see the packaging, touch the product and verify its quality.

Even if uFoodin is a virtual platform, you have to look after the pictures and the descriptions you publish, and maybe even more.

Why ?

Because your prospects won’t be able to see the product in real life and her/his first impression will depend on how good the product looks on the internet.

On the contrary to raw materials companies, you have an advantage : as an end-products brand, you can easily showcase your products with nice pictures AND videos, enlighten the packaging etc and you know how much people rely on appearance to judge something.


2. Use the company page and the marketplace to exhibit your products

You may think this is a tedious approach to sell your products online, but this is necessary. The more information you provide, the more confidence people will have in you. And to know exactly what a purchaser expects to find, just ask yourself what information you would like to find about a partner to conclude a deal on the internet.

If a purchaser working for a hotel chain is looking for the kind of products you sell on the marketplace, he will certainly look after diverse results that the algorithm showcases. Because he wants to find a serious business partner, not only he’ll look at your products’ sheets but also at your company page to find information such as the location, the collaborators, the current partners etc. 

So please, do not neglect the time you spend providing as much relevant information as you can.


3. Implement a merchandising strategy

To do this, you need to benchmark your surroundings, analyze the market and define your distribution’s network. And good news… you can do all this on uFoodin.

Find suppliers and storage partners thanks to our Companies Directory, locally or internationally. 

If your objective is to go global, you can’t introduce your products on a new market alone. To do this, you will need to deal with local suppliers and importers. They are the intermediaries who are in contact with your core targets such as supermarkets or hospitality services. Using these services will guarantee you and your client : flexibility and reactivity on the storages’ management and good customer care for any claim (quality, refunds, insurances etc.). 

Here are the different types of channels according to your strategy, if you introduce a product abroad you should definitely think about the wholesale and agent channels.


uFoodin Team


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