Forecast of the digital integration in the B2B transactions of the Food and Beverage Industry

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The digital integration and online sales in B2B business become more than necessary.

Especially in the Food and Beverage industry, the traditional distribution channels are no more enough to make the difference between you and your competitor 👥👀

Since the Covid-19, the shift of consumer purchasing patterns has been accelerated, therefore companies need also to adapt to this new trend, from purchasing to selling.

One of the most important part of this digital transformation is to expand your e-commerce presence and scale 🏆🎯🚀🔥📣

With uFoodin B2B Marketplace, your e-store will be automatically created while minimizing your maintain and management cost.

If you want to know more about uFoodin B2B marketplace, please don’t hesitate to schedule a call with us 👉 Schedule a Call

To know more about How Become a Seller on uFoodin B2B Marketplace, please visit the following page : Sell on uFoodin B2B Marketplace

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