Analysis of the Bakery Market

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Analysis of the Bakery Market

“The bakery industry usually refers to the grain-based food industry. Grain-based foods may include breads, cakes, pies, pastries, baked pet treats, and similar foods. Along with bakeries, the industry consists of the equipment, supplies, and delivery drivers used to support the industry.”*
The bakery market is divided in 3 sectors :
  • Bakery products : breads, sliced breads, specific breads 
  • Viennese pastries 
  • Fresh pastries 
The main sources of revenue for the bakery market are :
  • Mass retail distribution 
  • Corporate catering
  • Direct retail
  • Hospitality, food service & craft bakery 
Industrial bakeries remain the first actor of the industry.

1- Key figures about the bakery products**

By 2022, the frozen bakery market value worldwide is forecasted to reach billion US$ 24.9.
The retail sales of bakery products in Europe reached million US$ 151 072 in 2021. For 10 years, the market has continued to grow every year, because in 2012 the sales’ value was around million US$ 114 909. The share of bread’s sales represents million US$ 105,302 by itself. 
The average bread and bakery consumption volume per capita in Europe has been steady for 10 years now : 
  • In 2010 the total amount was around 46.8 kg per capita : 32.2kg of bread and 14.6kg for pastry goods & cakes
  • In 2021, the total amount was around 47.8kg : 30.1kg for bread and 17.7kg for pastries & cakes
  • In 2023 it is forecasted around 47.8kg total amount : 29.8kg for bread and 18kg for pastries & cakes.
So, there is a slow decrease of bread’s consumption in favor of an increasing demand for pastries and cakes which balance the market.
In the EU, the TOP 3 Countries according to retail volume are Germany (6.111 thousand tonnes), France (4.513 thousand tonnes) and Italy (4.169 thousand tonnes). But according to retail value, France stands at the 1st position (million US$ 24.428), Germany (million US$ 23.100) and Italy (million US$ 22.555).
2- Trends & consumption behavior
  • This sector is highly driven by consumer behavior and habits : time spent for cooking, food nomadism, food diversifying. So, it is constantly adapting the offer, driven by innovation.
  • Fresh bakery products are gaining market’s shares : bakeries & pastry shops are returning to their pre-Covid revenues on the contrary to terminals of cooking (in shop centers, train stations or airports).
  • Bread stays the key driver of the market but it tends to decrease. The reasons are : it has shifted from staple food to a side dish. Then, diets and the idea of a bad nutrition intake aliment shifted the consumers’ habits towards other competitive products like cereals, diet biscuits, rice cakes etc.
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**Statista, Bakery Product Industry 

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