• Profile photo of Emil Lados

      Emil Lados posted an update
      CEO at exporthungary.eu

      17 hours ago

      About the Hungary’s National Drink “Pálinka”

      Pálinka is one of Hungary’s most well-known and beloved spirits, an integral part of Hungarian culture and gastronomy for centuries. This unique and special fruit brandy can only be produced in Hungary and a few neighboring regions, following strictly defined regulations.

      What is Pálinka?

      Pálinka is an alcoholic beverage made exclusively from fruit or fruit must, distilled without any artificial additives, sugar, or other flavorings—it must purely reflect the natural aroma of the fruit.

      How is Pálinka Made?

      The process of making pálinka consists of several steps:

      1. Selecting the Raw Material: Only ripe, healthy fruit is used, as the quality of the fruit determines the final taste and aroma of the drink.

      2. Fermentation: The fruit is crushed and naturally fermented into an alcohol-containing fruit mash (cefre).

      3. Distillation: The mash is distilled using traditional or modern distillation methods to extract alcohol and aromas.

      4. Aging: Some pálinkas are aged, for example, in wooden barrels, which can add additional character to the drink.

      5. Bottling: The finished pálinka is diluted to the appropriate alcohol content (usually between 40-50%) before being bottled and marketed.

      What Fruits Can Be Used?

      Pálinka is traditionally made from Hungarian fruits, the most popular being:

      • Plum

      • Apricot (especially Kecskemét apricot)

      • Pear

      • Cherry

      • Sour cherry

      • Apple

      • Grape Among these, apricot pálinka is perhaps the most famous and internationally recognized.

      Why is Pálinka Better Than Vodka?

      Although both vodka and pálinka are distilled spirits, there are significant differences between them:

      • Raw Material: Vodka is typically made from grain or potatoes, whereas pálinka is exclusively made from fruit.

      • Flavor Profile: Vodka has a neutral taste, whereas pálinka has intense fruity aromas.

      • Production: Pálinka is traditionally distilled in small pot stills, preserving the natural scent and flavor of the fruit.

      • Geographical Protection: Pálinka is a geographically protected product, whereas vodka can be made anywhere.

      Pálinka Consumption and Culture

      In Hungary, pálinka is typically consumed before or after meals and is often reserved for special occasions. It is not just a drink but a tradition passed down through generations.

      There are also rules for proper pálinka consumption: it should be enjoyed at room temperature, sipped slowly from a small glass to allow the flavors to fully develop.


      Pálinka is not just an alcoholic beverage but a true Hungarian specialty that carries the essence of high-quality fruits. For those seeking an authentic, natural, and richly flavored drink, pálinka is the perfect choice. There are currently (2025) more than 70 Pálinka distilleries operating in Hungary.

      Alexey Kovalev, Yang WANG and Damien Charbonnier