Karel Kucera posted an update
International Account Manager at PURETASTE TRADE (www.puretaste.cz)3. LOW CARB
Many successful diet systems are based on excluding sugar and starch such as Paleo, Keto, Low carb, Gaps, SCD, Atkinson diet, Whole 30, CUkrfree (sugar-free), No side dish diet, and others.
All these diets have one thing in common – they exclude classic side dishes such as potatoes, rice, pasta, dumplings and bread. That is obviously a simplified statement because starches make for a cheap volume increase, and as such, they are used in a majority of industrially processed foods; therefore, we even find them where we would least expect them – e.g. in ketchup and mustard; the same goes for sugar in food.
The success of such diets is probably due to the fact that the body gets a break from gluten, which is present in most food, as well as from starch and classic sugar, which make digestion more difficult; it may also be due to adding veggies to the diet.
These diets make people feel better both health-wise and physically; the two are obviously interconnected; they manage to lose weight, get rid of attacks of gnawing hunger or sugar cravings… There is just a single tiny cloud in this blue sky – a habit.
In case we were used to eat bread throughout our life as the major part of our diet (we were even told – eat the bread roll, not just the ham, otherwise you’ll get hungry!), after some time the desire to “at least put a spread on something… maybe a pate”, catches up with us ( by the way – exactly this desire is also the reason our No Grain Bread was created).
And that is exactly the purpose of our No Grain Bread. If one doesn’t give up his healthy diet using vegetables as sides, but still knows that every now and then he can also have a bite of bread – what more to ask for?!