• Profile photo of Ashishkumar Badole

      Ashishkumar Badole posted an update
      Production Engineer at Gulf Food Production Qatar UAE

      2 years ago

      Hi everyone – I am looking for a new role and would appreciate your support. Thank you in advance for any connections, advice, or opportunities you can offer.

      About me- 

      Currently working in dairy industry as a Production Manager having more than 8 year professional experience includes overseas experience with B’tech degree holder in dairy technology.

      Product Specification – Icecream, Yoghurt, Paneer, Curd,Shrikhand, Butter, Buttermilk, Clarified Butter, Milk Pouching, Procurement,Lassi, Table Butter , Flavoured Milk , Quality Control etc.

      Contact me – +91 8408830938 (What’s up)

      Email – [email protected]

      Thank you!
