Protect your production and your employees
There is a reliable solution to break this vicious circle and provide protection for your production and your employees: disinfection with UV light. No other method is as effective, low-maintenance and easy to install – without a complete rebuilding of the system. The UV light is absorbed by the DNA of the microorganisms and destroys their structure there. Scientific studies prove that UV light reliably inactivates 99.99% of all viruses, bacteria and fungi.
BIOCOMP is the only company that offers professional UV-C disinfection devices, customized on equipment and workspaces, as follows:
Disinfection of air in any production, logistics or office space (in complete safety in the human presence), in accordance with international regulations;
Disinfection of surfaces and equipment;
Disinfection of the thermoforming foil for packaging / bags (to extend the shelf life by up to 100%);
Disinfection of the surface of meat and meat products (to extend the shelf life by up to 100%);
Disinfection of heat exchange surfaces (air treatment plants, with a reduction of up to 30% in energy consumption);
Disinfection of objects (mobile phones, tablets, envelopes, packages, etc.);
Disinfection of footwear;
Disinfection of the interior of means of transport of meat and meat products;
Disinfection of refrigerated display cases.
CONTACT : Phone: +40756099881
E-mail: [email protected] #safety #logistice