How to expand your Business Internationally ? – Tips by uFoodin
uFoodin Team decided to create a new kind of content on our News Page : the Tips by uFoodin ! Every week, discover a new tip dedicated to the Food & Beverage Industry and keep you up to date to develop your business.
For this first tip, we wanted to give you the key steps to expand Internationally your Company.
👉🏼 Don’t underestimate the exploratory phase !
To implement your Product or Service abroad, you need to be well aware of the market’s rules and state, the business practices, your targets’ opinions and of course all financial, logistical and legal aspects. To do this, we advise you to use efficient methods as internal audits, market studies, SWOT analysis and benchmarks. This will evaluate if you are ready to expand abroad and if your company could take a market’s share.
👉🏼 Develop local relationships
You need to create an ecosystem around you that can support your business through alliances, partnerships or complementary offers. This will help you communicate with the local market.
We advise you to recruit in your team a local manager who knows all the subtleties you don’t, in order to create a powerful strategy.
👉🏼 Adapt your Marketing and Communication Strategies
Packaging, name of the product, new brand, languages, pricing, tagline… All these aspects are determined by the country’s culture and customs. Your offer will certainly be challenged by cultural differences and interpretation’s barriers. Rely on market studies to build a strong strategy !

Going global is a real challenge for a Company and many fail because they rush, so take time to evaluate your readiness and consult experts of local markets to make sure you are on the right track !
uFoodin helps you to develop your Business. To do this, we created powerful tools :
A Marketplace where you can sell and buy all kinds of products from raw materials to finished goods. Use the filters for an efficient search.
A Directory of all uFoodin’s Members. You can search for a specific person or use the filters to find people in a specific activity, market or world’s region.
A Directory of the Companies present on our platform. You can use it to look for new business partners.