uFoodin thank you for using our Service. To provide the best experiences to all our members on our website/App, we appreciate your contribution to report any violation of our policies from another member. We would like uFoodin stay a respectful platform, where people meet for professional purposes only. Please visit our Publishing Platform Rules to know more about content publishing behavior to adopt on our community.

If you see any bad behavior, thanks to report it to us by Contact form here

We reserved the right to suspend or close account of members who are not respect this Community Policy, and Publishing Platform Rules.

Please find bellow the engagement you need to have to our community:

  • Be Respectful with other members: We do accept a member who is hateful against another member, by any way as, denigration, intimidation, violence, discrimination, and all other way to who attacks other members.
  • Do not create Groups of haters to attack racial, religious or other hater purposes subjects
  • Our platform is not a personal meeting social network. The platform is not for romantic relationship research. We ask you to respect other members, to have a civil behavior, to do not send sexual advances, romantic advances, or inappropriate remarks.
  • Harassment and intimidation to other members are totally prohibited and will be sanctioned by an immediate Account Closing.
  • Violence or threaten behavior to other members is prohibited. Publish any kind of violent content or terrorist content are also totally prohibited and will have as consequence an immediate Account Closing
  • Shocking material content and illegal content are also prohibited.

We ask you a to respect the following rules :


  • Do not use a false identity to use our Services. Do not create fake profile, or falsify information about you
  • Do not use false information about you personally, your company, your work.
  • Do not post misinformation or disinformation content
  • Do not post or share false content
  • Do not publish and communicate spam or any kind of scams on our platform
  • Do not publish sexual content
  • Respect other members, and their privacy
  • Respect and comply with all the laws and right of other members: Intellectual property, copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, or other proprietary rights. Please see the Copyright and Trademark Policy
  • Respect uFoodin’s rights (please visit our Terms of Service) :
    • Do not violate our Intellectual Property rights, trademark, copyright and other uFoodin properties.
    • Do not interfere or disrupt our platform, and its functionalities
    • Access to our platform by authorized access: ufoodin.com or uFoodin APP only
    • Respect all legal documents and policies of our website/App, that we have provided you when you have created your account on uFoodin